Revival. If the author of a great move of God is God. Then the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Life is involved. And if God is to work and do a great work among man, he is going to need man.
A man who is intimate with His ways, His Spirit, His Word, His Glory, intimate with the goings ons in the heavenly places. Maybe His future leaders, shepherds, guides, princes and nurturers of the future great Move be ready in every area that requires intimacy ^_^. Then there will be a good hope and future for this move of God. Without these men and women, the future of this move will look bleak and lost. Like giving a child of great potential, to a home of extremely dysfunctional parents.
Once again, good men and women secure a good future and a good hope for the coming revival. Not just good in a moral sense, but are intimate with Him.