Played a good game vs plok the protoss player in starcraft 2 beta. Very friendly player who says hf and gg at the end of the game. Which also means he is a skilled player.......he did a 4 gate build which nearly destroyed me in the early game. O_O' but managed to rally enough zerglings and mutalisks to discourage his early push. Best protoss player I played against so far. I salutes you.
After he said hf (have fun) which surprised me very much, because up till now no player has initiated a greeting and even if I were to greet gl hf!! Even fewer reply. (lol). And the pressure I felt from him at the start of the placement match made repeat to myself that this was a good protoss player, completely different the other players I have played against. Yes, this means he has both skill and manners.
He went a standard 4-gate protoss build into a proxy pylon to take out my main base. Which ended up with loss of 2 queens, some zerglings, mutalisks, a sunken creep and a spawning pool before I could drive his stalkers and proxy pylon back to the mysterious protoss void. To the uninitiated, a proxy pylon and a 4 gate means that the protoss can mass his army very quickly very near your main, even a zerg who can swarm 3-4+ army units from his larva would be hard pressed.
Thankfully, my zerg army did not go 'prruuuut' (the death cry of zerg buildings). As this was the 1v1 Scrap Station, my early mutalisks could do an easy harassment of his main base to distract his harvesters and buy me enough breathing space to repel the proxy pylon push and still fly them back to defend the main (and die gloriously 'pruuuut') As the game progressed I managed to buy time through the harassment of mutalisks which kept his stalkers rooted at his main. This left a very nervous me enough breathing room to get an expansion and mass more mutas to harass and zerglings to defend.
Overall, a very satisfying game, and I really enjoyed watching the replay to see what I missed. Kudos to plok for playing a good game. (as well as giving me a chance to try my build vs a popular and strong 4-gate protoss strategy)