Friday, November 26, 2010

Catherine Feb 2011

At last! An atlus game on PS3! Created by the Persona team, it will be a supernatural murder mystery. With themes of mystery, horror and a strange young woman. Judging by the murder mystery story in persona 4, the story here should look promising.

A tale about lost sheep being killed? by a strange woman, her house being a grave of many a strong man. Definitely a game I am anticipating for february.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Boredom, is a womb. Absorbing everything in its environment indiscriminately, it germinates grows and nurtures.

One can only hope the environment is pure. Or all hell is gonna break loose.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Official Think-Tank Part 1

A group of people, appointed to be the think-tank, was tasked to improve on the design of a car. And this was what they said, "We find that, to improve on the design of the car, we should focus on the fundamentals. And what could be more fundamental but the wheels?"

to be Continued.....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Being Taken Over

How does a group of people feel so happy about hijacking a person into joining or being a member? I find it so amazing that they can act like, the help was voluntary and like they "earned" the right to press-gang anyone they wanted. A robber is a robber is a robber, no matter how they embellish it, press-ganging, is press-ganging.